Our Services

Unique team uses ethical and skillful methods to provide professional services – Unique carry out credit management services that includes:

  1. Debt Recovery /resolutions
  2. Providing credit informations
  3. Litigation
  4. Skip tracing
  5. On site visits
  6. Legal services etc … and assistance to the Authorized offers of the bank
    for services of notes, taking possession, storage and disposal through auction of the assets mortgaged / hypothecated to the banks as per banks extant guide lines and as per the provisions of SARFAESI Act 2002.
  7. Assiting sarfaesi actions both movable & immovable properties
  8. Tellecalling service

  • Unique’s debt recovery / resolution methods are also Unigue.
  • Unique have dedicated Customer Relation Executive (CRE’s) to stay focused
  • on the recovery /resolution process.
  • Unique ensure professionalism on interaction with client and their debtors.
  • Unique monitor the execution of solutions arrived at in court adaiath and similar
  • bank compromise settlements.
  • Unique focus an alternative and amicable solution that minimizes banks strain.
  • Unique take firm approach in time with fair debt collection practice.
  • Unique assists the bank to conduct adalath.

Unique also trace out the debtors following the address and find out the current status/
residence, follow up them regularly and pursuing them fax an amicable settlement
thought negotiations in adalath conducted by bank or legal service authorities . Unique
also try to identify the problems, establishing facts, clarifying issues and finally reaching
agreement by setting written consent from the debtor — All these activities are carried
out by keeping clients relations intact.